Apple Store

Friday, February 24, 2006

My New Motorola RAZR V3

I just got a new Motorola RAZR V3 phone, and it is fantastic. It takes pictures. It takes short videos. It plays music, games and more. One of the best things about this phone is that it is Bluetooth enabled, and it can share files with the iBook G4 laptop I use for work. If I had a new Apple Intel Duo Core processor 17-inch iMac it could talk with it, too.
Today, I was even able to rip U2's Vertigo in a small MP-3 file using iTunes, upload it to the phone and listen to it where ever I go. Not bad for someone who is basically technically illiterate.
So far, I've only got two complaints:
First, I am using T-Mobile and the only way I can use the phone as a modem with the laptop is if I pay $20 a month for their Internet. I can't us it as a modem with my companies existing dial-up service. If anyone out there knows a way around this please let me know.
Second, with all the features one this phone — email, instant messages, etc. — you would think I could check the weather on it. But, no. No weather reports. Go figure. I guess I'll have to pay the $20 a month and surf the Web to find the weather. If any body has any ideas about how to get around this one too, let me know.


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